So I've had this idea kicking around for a while, to do "featured polishes", where I take one polish and do a bunch of nail art using it and generally show off how awesome or un-awesome it is.
Since St. Patrick's is coming right up, I had to pick a green. So today I present to you, in all its glory (for everything except.... well, you'll see) *drumroll*
Sinful Colors San Francisco!
First up, I thought I'd show how the polish builds. It starts out pretty sheer, but two coats would be acceptable on short nails, full coverage and perfect bottle color in three:
(ready? One, two three!)
I just realized you can see some nail line on my index and middle nails in the photo still... rest assured, that wasn't visible IRL!
Note this is a stainer! I highly recommend doubling up on base coat.
Next, since it's a bit on the sheer side, I thought it might be cool to see how it layers, with one coat over white (Wet & Wild French White Creme) and black (Wet & Wild Black Creme):
Oooh lookie how pretty over black!
I tried stamping, it really is far too sheer for that... *might* show over white, but after this test I really didn't want to even bother trying.
Barely even shows stamping in a macro. Works fine with a dotting tool, however! The gold is Wet & Wild Chrome A Show At The Palladium.
Whew, that was a failure! Now let's get on to the successful nail art looks I tried!
Ruffian style with Wet & Wild Chrome I Got A New Com-Pewter
Gradient over Sinful Colors Last Chance
Mattified under NOPI White Texture (how cool that the white turned green! It sure is a stainer haha!)
With Wet & Wild Coloricon Frosted Over, freehand on my index and pinky, brush over stamp on my ring finger, and layered as undies on my middle.
What a lot of fun that was! I think I'll do it again one of these days. Unless everyone hates it. Please tell me you don't hate it! I'll do requests!
Seriously, I would love feedback. Since this is a new thing, obviously it might have kinks to smooth out. Let me know what you think?